Sunday 21 October 2018

My Past

I don’t know what I feel
As I stand here to heal
Overlooking the sea
The vast and the mighty sea
Treasuring her own secrets
I forget my past,
Leave my present,
What about my future?
Wait, do I really have one?
A future? Neither an idea nor hope.
I just don’t have a right for a future.
After the actions of my past.
Past is past, says someone
But my past?
It has never left me.
Tormenting me at every step I take
Stopping me from doing what I want
I want freedom, freedom from my past.
I want to fly with my wings spread,
I want to dream of a future,
Not anyone’s but my own
My own future, where I will be happy
I want to go somewhere
A place where my past cannot reach me
A place where I can believe in myself.
I don’t know what to do
I know what I dream of, is impossible
For me, that is what is left of my life
I want to play, to love and be loved.
I want to grow but
Something tugs at me and as I look back
It is my past again, being a very loyal friend
It is still with me.
I am confused.
I feel the wind stroking my hair,
As I stand here on this cliff,
I see the sea widening her arms
Calling me, asking me to join her
To be one of her treasures
Whom she will protect forever.
I have no option, I cannot think twice.
I just opened my arms like a free bird
And jumped into the vastness of the sea.
To be enfolded by her,
To be away from this world
A place where your past is your best friend
No matter what you do.
So I jump and reach a place
Where I get freedom from my past.
As my physical body reaches the seabed,
I leave it and reach the skies.
I open my arms to be free of my past
And I fly, like a free bird I always wanted to be.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Never Yours

I keep hoping
One day, you will be mine
Deep knowing, it is a dream
A dream, which will never be true
Never will I let you know
The turmoil inside me
Each time you took her name
Sparkled did they, thy eyes
I saw, I smiled yet deep down
I wept like a toddler
A Promise, That’s all I can give
A small promise
I will be there for you
No matter what, I will be by your side
Even if it might cost me my life
I will be right by you
Like a shadow, silent yet
Ever following, ever listening
As you blurt out your sorrows
To hear out your happiness
Pleasure is mine, as always
I believe in you, to see you happy
Kneel my legs, do I in front
Of the force so great called God
Because deep inside, your little girl
Alive will she always be
Loving you to the extreme ends of her heart
-           A girl who can never be yours

Tuesday 28 August 2018

A Ray Of Hope

Hi everyone. I have a poem again. I so much love writing can't help it. 😅😄

A Ray Of Hope

A smile is the most powerful weapon
Unknown, stood every moment
Her world had crumpled
Like a used piece of tissue
All the hard work, the years of sweat
Had gone down all flat
Into dust, water and mud
Mother Nature had played her part
Was left with nothing
Not even her family
Nature had taken that too
She had lost everything
But the smile on her face
The twinkle in her eye
The warmth in her hug
Inspired was I, by her
At the tender age of six,
She had seen it all
Yet the innocence in her words
Startled me, awed me
She was the true girl
Embodying power, strength
Still she stood unaware
Enjoying the bangles
She had acquired
The curiosity sparkling
Giving her a heavenly aura
Like the Goddess she was.

Saturday 18 August 2018

How Can We Be So Inhuman?

          Hello everyone. I know this is not a time for blog posts but yeah, I could not help bringing a few points. As we all know, Kerala is facing a huge crisis in the form of flood and lakhs of people have been stranded homeless. They are in the relief camps without adequate medicines, clothes etc. Locals are trying their best to help the stranded people. Besides, the defense, the local police, and the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) are working day-night without rest to save lives.
Kerala from above
          For those who do not have an idea of the floods in the state, let me give you guys a brief one. Kerala receives one of the heaviest rainfalls in India, nearly 3000 millimeters annual average. This is a long-term average over half a century. If one compares it with the other states, Tamil Nadu gets 912.4mm, Haryana gets a mere 554.7mm, while Assam gets 2296.8mm and Madhya Pradesh gets 1048.4mm. But this year, from June 1 2018 (the onset of South- West monsoon in India) to 15 August 2018, Kerala received an excess rainfall of 30%. The average rainfall over this period should have been 1606.5mm but we have received around 2086.8mm. The Idukki district, which has the major dams like the Idukki- Cheruthoni- Kulamavu dam complex, Mullaperiyar dam etc., has received a whopping 70% excess rainfall. All five shutters of the Idukki project had to be opened for the first time in 26 years and has remained so for the past one-week or more. Please note that the Idukki dam is the largest double arched dam in Asia, so one can understand the gravity of the situation if the dam had to be kept open. As of now, the dam is releasing 15 lakh liters of water every second and this has added to worsen the already pathetic situation due to rains. The shutters of 35 out of 39 dams of the state have been opened and red alert has been issued in all the 14 districts of the state.  Hundreds of people have died as far as officials know and the death toll might increase once the water levels go down. More than 3 lakh people are living in the relief camps that have opened up in many places of the state. Around 20,000 crore of destruction has occurred and this amount is expected to rise even up to 50,000.  
Idukki Dam with all its shutters open
          What one should note is the exceptional work done by the Navy, Army and Air Force. They have been constantly working day and night trying to rescue people by both boats and helicopters and airdropping essentials in case rescue is not immediately required. The local police have also commendably worked hard to do their best even though they are facing such a situation for maybe the first time. The state electricity board staff have been working under dangerous situations in the heavy downpour to ensure electricity is reaching the maximum people. However, the reason I had to write this article is a few things people did that actually disturbed me.
1)      I happened to see a media clip of a person talking to a reporter. He was a local affected by the floods, this was a time when the Indian Army had just arrived for the rescue work, and the Navy had not started its operations. The Army had come with fiber boats but many of them were exhausted of their fuel soon. Moreover, what hurt me most was this person complaining that the army was working in such an uncoordinated way and that they did not bring with them the fuel. What he should have realized is that the Army are also human and they brought the maximum goods they could bring including the rescue equipment, food, drinking water and medical help. We cannot expect them to carry the heavy fuel tanks as well. It is our duty to provide them with the necessary fuel (which was done later by the oil companies). This person wanted the heavy ships of Navy to be deployed. How can a huge Naval warship travel on tiny roads filled with water of uneven depths on which even normal fishing boats could not even travel? Fiber boats were the best option available and this person was heartlessly complaining.
2)      My parents observed this one and the next one as they were going to a relief camp for providing some goods. We have a Beverage Corporation (Alcohol) shop around few kilometers away. Fortunately, our area is kind of in a higher area and hence there has been no flooding as of now. So coming back to the alcohol shop, the queue in front of it was huge. The government had imposed a 30% increase in alcohol beverages to compensate for the destruction due to floods. Even after this hike, there were people buying the alcohol when hundreds of people around the city were striving for a drop of drinking water. They could at least give up this luxury for a few days and donate that amount for the relief work.
Idukki dam Front view

3)      The Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) had suspended it operations due to water logging in its marshaling yard, which disrupted its power supply. As the roads to the city got water logged, both the road and railway services had to be discontinued. The metro was the only option and they did their best and started the service. The rides were free of cost so that the stranded people could travel to safer parts of the city. However, what actually happened was that, people from the city started using metro to go and see the flooded areas because the ride was free. We, humans cannot help ourselves when we hear something is free of cost. This action lead to the metro stations being filled with people who had come to sight see the flood rather than the needy ones.
          Are we really so cruel? Where has humanity gone? The above are just the three points I observed and thought people should know about.  There might be a thousand more examples out there of such inhuman behavior. I cannot call it ‘animal’ behavior because animals have a golden heart than ours. Please do say your opinions on my personal observations.  In addition, please donate as much as possible to the relief funds, the state and its people are in dire need of resources. You can do the donation through the Amazon app as goods, through Paytm app as money or through the Kerala Chief Minister Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF), the link of which I am attaching below. Also, please share this link to people who will be able to donate to the same. Remember, every little penny counts. Thanks a lot in advance for your help. Until next time sweethearts, stay safe, take care and Pray for Kerala and its citizens.
Please donate as much you can

Sunday 12 August 2018

A Woman

I know I have been away for quite a time, Every time I promise to come here more often, but you know the rest. Sorry guys, I got caught up in a few personal stuff. Here is another poem for you.

A Woman

I made a huge mistake
As I came into this world
I was a girl, and not a human.
I was born to give birth
And not to live my life
The way I want, to fulfill wishes
Not mine, but my mother’s,
Father’s, husband’s later on,
And then my children’s.
Nobody cared for a thank you, nor for a please
It was as if I was born to work
To work forever without a salary
To work day and night, without complaining
To work all along, without love
To work selflessly,
And above all to be tortured
At every moment, by complaints
That never cease.
They complain about everything,
From the food I cook, to the clothes I wash
From the shoes I polish, to the cutlery I shine
Don’t I too have a life?
Being stalked every day,
Can’t even stand in front of my house
In the fear of eyes, someone’s.
Looking right through me
As if I murdered someone
I too am a human
I too want to live
Will I ever get freedom?
The answer is up to you
Maybe not me but my daughters must get.
It’s up to you. Answer me.
Will I get freedom from all this?

Saturday 31 March 2018

An Hour Of Class

Hey everyone...OK...really long time now. About more than a year since I posted something. Hope you all are doing as awesome as I am.  Again a poem this time, a special one...if I specifically say, I wrote it in one of my class hours in my twelfth standard (Unfortunately, it was a boring one...thought it is better to write something than sleeping off 😝). I seriously miss those times real bad, sleeping in classes, running to entrance coaching, missing out sleep to study...board exam tensions, friends, masti and so much more...( Hope to be back soon...and do enjoy the poem and feel free to inbox is always open :)

 An Hour of Class

As I ponder over todays class
I kept on looking at my water glass
Shiny but not new
But something for me to mew
Chew, I need to chew
I feel hungry, I am desperate
Desperate to know the class’s fate
Will it continue, or will it not?
Hope it does not,
Though knowing that
Wishing for a class to stop is not good.
But what to do? I’m helpless.
My mind is not mine anymore
Its wandering here and there
In the deep blue ocean
Or maybe in the bright blue sky
Never giving a ear to my words
So I wait……minutes tick past
As my heart beats fast
A minute more and a second more
And then……there it goes…..
The loveliest and the most beautiful
A sound in the world,
I haven’t heard a better one…
Well, time to go home now
So I stop pondering, I close my pen
And so concludes my poem
As my dear friend….I was writing
Writing was I in my chemistry class..