Wednesday 5 September 2018

Never Yours

I keep hoping
One day, you will be mine
Deep knowing, it is a dream
A dream, which will never be true
Never will I let you know
The turmoil inside me
Each time you took her name
Sparkled did they, thy eyes
I saw, I smiled yet deep down
I wept like a toddler
A Promise, That’s all I can give
A small promise
I will be there for you
No matter what, I will be by your side
Even if it might cost me my life
I will be right by you
Like a shadow, silent yet
Ever following, ever listening
As you blurt out your sorrows
To hear out your happiness
Pleasure is mine, as always
I believe in you, to see you happy
Kneel my legs, do I in front
Of the force so great called God
Because deep inside, your little girl
Alive will she always be
Loving you to the extreme ends of her heart
-           A girl who can never be yours


  1. Deep inside, my little princess,
    Always alive as source to fuel my soul...until one come will chime the death's bell for me.

  2. Thank you for such lovely words of yours!!!
