Saturday 3 December 2016

How Can I Use Science For The Future Development Of Our Nation?

          ‘Science’ – It is said to be the study of the natural world. In simple words, it is just the study of our surroundings. Man has progressed in science since the ancient times. Discovery of fire, how to use metals, weaving clothes…..etc., all have been a part of this progress. Man has just not progressed, he is progressing still now. Each moment we spend on reading this article, some scientists in some corner of the world may have gone a step further in their discoveries. Recently, in our society we can find a shift in the views of people regarding science and its study. In this modern world, people are now concerned about how much one has studied rather than knowing how much bank balance we have. Countries are being ranked on the basis of their development and defense strength. Though we still can find the ‘poor-rich countries’ ranking, the former ranking is becoming more prominent. Like our technology, science does have its own merits and demerits. But it all depends upon how one uses it. This progress in science can be used meticulously for the development of our country. India does not suffer a lack of resources or labour….what she needs is the proper planning and implementation of ideas.
          Science if used widely in India can help her make it into the list of developed nations. The main obstacle in front of her currently is corruption. If it is uprooted from its very depths, no one can stop her from being a developed nation.  India recently proved herself in the field of space science or space technology with the success of Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM). She has achieved something that only three other countries out of the total one hundred and ninety six countries have achieved and that too being the first country to reach the heights of this success at her first maiden attempt itself. Now, India has proved that she can launch missiles and make them hit a specific target. This also proves the power of India’s defense, making it one of the strongest in the world. Success of MOM is just the first step. If this continues, India’s ISRO might one day, beat America’s NASA to become the best space center in the whole world. MOM’s success with it brings opportunities for other nations to come and launch their satellites from India. The benefit is for both the countries. The nation can launch their satellites at a cheaper rate while India gets thousands of opportunities for her young scientists.                      With the help of science, India can improve the yield of her fields. Food scarcity will reduce, death of the children due to hunger will see a reduction, farmers and labourers would get money and poverty will reduce at a rapid rate and children will get better education. If such a small step can cause such a huge development, imagine how much difference science can do if applied in each and every field. That is what India needs.  Technology if developed can help the country in meeting the ever increasing demands of fuel. Alternative sources can be discovered and existing ones can be improved. It would bring electricity to villages. It would light up the lives of thousands of Indian children who are still living in the darkness. Children who are not able to study after dusk due to lack of electricity will be able to study and achieve their aims. Industries can be made more efficient and less polluting. Less pollution means less diseases and a healthy living. It will increase the life expectancy of Indians.  Efficient production would mean good quality products. Consumers will get good products at affordable rates. India recently launched her GPS satellite, IRNSS 1. It has improved ways of communication. Satellites have helped India to predict natural disasters thus saving millions of lives.
          So science has a huge impact in our everyday lives. From the safety pins we use to the satellites revolving thousands of kilometres above us, we use science. India has to improve her scientific base and as a result improve the standard of living for the citizens. India can improve enough to send people to other planets. Well, after all, as I modify and quote Abraham Lincoln’s statement: “India is for the people, by the people and with her people.” 

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