Friday 27 January 2017


Hey everyone, long time since I posted something na. Hope all of you are doing as awesome as you could be. Just like last time, this time also I have a poem (Kind of a sad one, I know...apologies in advance).


Tears welled up,
They wanted to come out
Never would I let them
For someone, for a stranger
Who was once my life.
Everything he meant to me,
Overlooked did I, his flaws
And so did he, Giving out
Hope, love and compassion
Hope for a life
A wonderful life ahead
A life with him, brimming
With happiness and joy
As I had mistaken.
I gave up my everything
My friends, family and passion
To be just with him
I ignored, yes I did ignore
The number of times
He had made me cry
Realizing it right now,
The biggest mistake of my life,
Was trusting him, sacrificing for him
It was the largest mistake
I ever did and would ever do
I fought back my tears,
Oh my, my tears , they were back
No! Never! I couldn’t lose
Wanted success, I did
Fate is strange, isn’t it?
I lost, I lost control
And let the tears flow
They trickled by, one by one
Never did I felt so hurt
I never did felt so angry
Those tears tried, their best
They did do, to console me
To give me a parting gift
That has never been given
After all, they were mine
I let my emotions flow out
My pen started working
With a pace, a pace rarely seen
With a strength, I never have seen
And I never did believe it had.
It worked wonders, it did.
As the last tear rolled by,
As my left cheek got moistened
My pen slowed itself down

And there ends my poem too.